The Vocational Rehabilitation Association’s Annual General Meeting will take place as follows:
Monday 3 December 2018 at 3.00 pm via webinar, please register here, you can also dial in by phone once registered.
I strongly encourage you to put the date in your diary, as it is important that we have plenty of members participating in the AGM. The agenda is here, and the Chair’s report and Treasurer’s report will be reviewed at the meeting.
At the VRA, our Trustees play a key role in supporting the organisation. As part of the AGM we will be holding elections, the form for application for election as a Trustee of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association 2018-19 is here. Please note that the deadline for receipt of completed nominations is 5.00pm on Wednesday 28 November. If you would like to discuss the role further, please do let me know.
The process for the elections is as follows:-
- The membership will be treated as those members registered and duly paid up on Wednesday 28 November
- Only members of the VRA are eligible to be nominated to stand for election as Trustees.
- Each nominee must have a supporter who is also a member of the VRA.
- Nominations must be submitted by 5.00pm on Wednesday 28 November, by email, using the attached form.
- Details of nominees will be circulated to members following this cut-off time.
- Members will be able to vote during the webinar at the AGM on 3 December, or may submit proxy votes up to 5pm on Friday 30 November. Members will be notified of the process for submitting proxy votes when the nominations are circulated.
Please note that the arrangements for selecting the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer remain within the Board of Trustees.
Kind regards,
Deborah Edwards
VRA Chair
For full details of how to vote (members only) please see the link below: