A survey from the VRA
Click HERE to begin the survey.
Why are we looking at gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and health status in the VR community? Like so many other organisations, the Vocational Rehabilitation Association wants to ensure we are unbiased and welcoming, regardless of any such characteristics.
We realise that no-one in the UK has an accurate equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) profile of the vocational rehabilitation profession, and so we are looking to collect some baseline information from our members and our readership groups like you – we are asking you to tell us about yourself, in this 3-minute survey.
Who is running this study?
The VRA’s EDI committee, which reports to the VRA Trustees.
What’s involved?
You will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey that will ask you a set of questions about your race, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and health status. Participation is entirely voluntary but I hope you will take part.
What are the benefits for me?
There are no direct benefits of taking part, however, your participation will be valuable for the VRA to understand some key baseline information about our membership, and we hope you will help us by contributing to the database!.
What will happen to my responses?
All information is anonymous and will be stored securely for two years and will then be destroyed. Our findings will tell us how representative VR practitioners are when compared to the general population, and to the population we serve. This will be published in our newsletter when the analysis is complete, and will serve as a springboard for future EDI initiatives.
Click HERE to begin the survey.