The VRA is one of 23 organisations that have joined BACP in calling for mental health to be urgently added into the Public Inquiry into COVID-19 calling inquiry’s remit.
The letter to the Chair of the Public Inquiry into COVID-19 highlights our shared concern that the draft terms of reference of the inquiry neglects to examine the impact and response by the Government to the vast mental health impact of the pandemic.
It says: “Extensive evidence has demonstrated that the mental health costs of COVID-19 are as profound and as long lasting as the physical health costs and these need to be considered comprehensively by the committee in terms of preparedness, response and recovery.”
The letter to Baroness Hallett states that mental health was a missing element of the Government’s strategy through each phase of the response, despite “extensive international evidence of the mental health impacts that health events of this magnitude have on society.”
It also highlights the importance of vocational rehabilitation support saying: “The importance of expanding and developing a more diverse mental health workforce to ensure a choice of accessible and culturally appropriate therapy is urgently in place to support those most impacted by the pandemic alongside vocational rehabilitation support to assist people to return to or remain in work.”
Read the letter here.