Quality Case Management Project
The VRA is working together with CMSUK and BABICM to facilitate the availability of quality case management services

The history and development of the joint Quality Case Management Project (QCMP) in conjunction with BABICM and CMSUK.

BABICM and CMSUK have come together several times since their formation to explore joint areas of practice.  Most positively, and notably this had resulted in the development of the Code of Ethics (currently under review).


In Sept 2010 the, now discontinued BABICM Education Sub-Group, undertook an on-line survey of all BABICM members. This Training Initiatives Research identified a need for standardised foundation training for case managers entering the profession as well as more specialised training for advanced members.

In Nov 2010 the BABICM Education Sub-Group applied for BABICM Council approval to collaborate with CMS UK and VRA with regard to case manager training, further to CMSUK’s announcement that they were commissioning research report (below).  

In Feb 2012 CMS UK published “An investigation to identify the need for a Standardised, Accredited or Certified Professional Pathway for Case Managers in the UK.”  The outcome of this report provided “strong evidence in support of the need for a professional pathway that includes an educational framework.”  There was also evidence to suggest that partnership working between case management organisations may be the most effective way of implementing any change.  This partnership working was hoped would “support an inclusive definition of case management and enable a stronger voice when lobbying for the future development of case management services in the UK”. 


In September 2012 a further survey of BABICM membership was undertaken to determine the strategy & direction for BABICM 2013, particularly with completion of the BABICM “Competencies for case managers and standards for case management practice” framework and how this should be developed.  Results published in 2013 fell into three areas:

  • Identifying BABICM’s role: What do we stand for amongst our members?
  • Satisfaction with BABICM: How well are we serving our members?
  • BABICM’s broader role: How should we engage with non-members?

Members considered BABICM’s main role for non-members to be “a professional and reputable source of information and education on brain injury, a reference for standardised and accredited care, and having a credible register of case managers to provide reassurance to those seeking services.”

Joint review

Initial meetings were conducted between the 3 organisations:  CMSUK, VRA and BABICM and it was agreed that it would be helpful to explore common ground.  During October 2012 separate interviews and then a joint workshop, held by a professional facilitator from 3KQ were held that identified a drive to achieve quality of case management services.  These meetings continued to identify and agree on a process needed to arrive at a set of standards that all organisations agree to and use.  General outcomes of the process were identified as:

  • An ‘approval’ process that members could use (or be required to use) to demonstrate competency as a case manager
  • A mechanism for maintaining ‘approval’ via CPD, supervision, training etc.
  • Pathways into this ‘approval’ process
  • A recognition that there would likely be different competencies dependent on the type of case manager you were
  • Differentiation between standards and competencies
  • Clarity as to whether, in the longer term, this would be an independent body or self –regulated

During 2013 quarterly facilitated meetings were held, identifying areas of common ground and commitment. At the end of the year all 3 organisations agreed to fund an expert to support the project for a further 2 years.

Exploring Options

Throughout 2014 the group worked with Edgar Meyer, to explore various options for a register, education pathways, etc. then focused primarily on defining quality case management.

During 2015 members from all three organisations and case management stakeholders were consulted, and in November the ‘Case Management Framework’, defining the general skills and knowledge base that any case manager should possess, was launched at the first ‘Together’ joint conference.

In 2016 meetings were held approximately every 6 weeks throughout the year. Work began on identifying the application process for case managers wanting to join the register, however the focus changed as it was recognised that any registering authority might have their own requirements, and therefore options for accreditation/registration was explored further. Amongst others the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) was consulted. The group agreed that registration through PSA was the preferred option especially as PSA already accredits other professional registers within Health and Social Care, and their primary purpose, which chimes with QCMP’s intention, is to ensure public safety.

Current activities

During 2017 the group has focused on preparing to apply to create a Register, which will be audited by PSA. This will necessitate forming a separate body to hold and manage the register (distinct from the 3 membership organisations, and with a different function). It was agreed during our meeting on 07/02/17 that the most suitable legal structure appeared to be a Community Interest Company (CIC) limited by guarantee.  The set up of this CIC is now underway.

As part of the Quality Case Management Project the group has also agreed to carry out a consultation with insurers as well as other stakeholders to establish the level of interest in accreditation.